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Rainforest Medicinal Plants

 plant in the Anacardiaceae family.It is found in low-land rainforest
plant in the Anacardiaceae family.It is found in low-land rainforest

Karnataka’s Ayurpark Health Care Ltd., the cluster concept of herbal industries, promoted by the Central government, has assessed that it would be far more cheaper to source the medicinal plants directly from the State Forest department compared to the The SGNP authorities have already brought some samples of medicinal plants from the Forest Department nursery at Shahpur. In the future, the authorities also plan to take help from various forest departments of the country so that there can be a wider On Friday, May 9, an educational program "Edible and Medicinal Plants" will be offered to woodland owners and enthusiasts in southeast Ohio at the Vinton Furnace State Forest. A registration fee of $10 will cover the cost of lunch and program materials. “Smugglers are making hay while sun is shining. Though the Supreme Court has imposed a blanket ban on trade of forest herbs still the smuggling of medicinal plants is continuing in this frontier district unabated,” they added, Police in Kupwara and KUCHING: Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) is working on the prototype of four medicinal plants with the aim of eventually commercialising them as they are deemed good for general health and diabetes. Its deputy director-general Dr Norini Haron The community forest that lies in the Khata corridor A total of 995 farmers cultivated these medicinal and aromatic plants in over 100 hectares of land and extracted nearly 2800 kgs of essential oil in the year 2011. The farmers sold the essential .

As part of its initiative to grow and conserve medicinal plants, the Karnataka State Forest Industries Corporation (KSFIC) will soon start a medicinal plant project at Sirsi in Uttara Kannada. "The project is under the active consideration of the national "The roots of the Citropsis articulata, are believed to cure impotence," said Mr Hannington Oryem-Orida, a professor of botany at Makerere University who was part of the team that carried out a research study on medicinal plants in Mabira forest. Government has cautioned Ugandans against reckless cutting of trees saying it is leading to the loss of trees and plants with medicinal values The function took place at Lwamunda Central Forest Reserve, Mpigi district. The Pan African Movement will .


Another Picture of rainforest medicinal plants :

Marie with Little Joe | Medicine Hunter
Marie with Little Joe | Medicine Hunter





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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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