Herbal Tincture

Making A Herbal Tincture or Vinegar
Last night at dinner, a friend asked if anyone could recommend a good, high-quality vodka—to make herbal tinctures with. This is how you know you hang out with too many hippies. [For the record, a bartender friend recommended The Russian Standard]. A tincture is a concentrated liquid extract of an herb in which alcohol, vinegar, or glycerin is used as a solvent to extract the phytochemicals or “medicine” from the plant. Here in East Tennessee, there are many medicinal plants we can grow right in Use only glass dropper bottles and glass droppers. Plastic can damage the plant’s medicinal properties. The glass should be dark colored to prevent damage from light. 100 proof vodka is the best liquid to use, because it extracts both water and alcohol Herbs have a long history in medical treatment; once they were the only resource to help heal the sick. The ancient Greeks, Romans and Chinese practitioners prescribed herbal medicines; Ayurvedic herbal use goes back at least 6,000 years. herbal tinctures I made some tinctures last year with alcohol per a book by Aviva Jill Romm, an echinacea tincture and one with calming herbs. I am not sure if I used too much alcohol, but the small bottles I put the tincture in, the rubber stoppers disintegrated a little Tincturing is a simple, effective method for extracting the medicinally active chemicals from an herb. You can make your own high-quality tincture at home fairly inexpensively. The basic ingredients required are some fresh or dried herbs and a high-quality .
So you’ve spent the summer growing voluptuous, vibrant medicinal plants and now the growing seasons draws to a close. Now the question arises about to best preserve these beauties for future use. Home herbalists have used a variety of methods to preserve One solution is to make and store our own herbal tinctures and extracts. It's actually quite easy. If herbs become too difficult to purchase, it doesn't take much soil to grow your own. Tincture Extract Advantages The initial investment involves buying one ORLANDO, FL—The Florida Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco (ABT) is said to be investigating the retail sale of herbal tinctures. In at least three stores, agents have warned retailers that they are violating Florida law by selling herbal .
Another Picture of herbal tincture :

How to make herbal tinctures.

How To Make An Herbal Tincture In a Jar-Tincturing At Home Is Better


Herbal Breast Enhancement Tinctures Kit - 3x 500ml Tinctures