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Chinese Remedies

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Wednesday June 4, 2014 ( -- A new study in Plant Science Today suggests that a compound isolated from a Chinese medicinal herb shows promise in treating cervical cancer. Acetylshikonin was isolated from Lithospermum erythrorhizon Sieb. VALLETTA, June 1 (Xinhua) -- The Mediterranean Regional Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine (MRCTCM) celebrated its 20th anniversary on Saturday evening in Paola, Malta. Malta's Minister for Energy and Health Konrad Mizzi, Chinese Ambassador to Malta American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACTCM) recently announced a new partnership with Hearst Media Services. This partnership will allow the college to increase its web presence and spread awareness of traditional Chinese medicine. Hearst ( - Chinese patent medicine refers to the certain dosage forms of medicine, under the guidance of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) theory, made from traditional Chinese medicinal materials in accordance with specified prescription and standard. Two men in Shanghai who used phony traditional Chinese medicine practices to swindle people out of a total of 90,000 yuan were handed a prison sentence of one year by the Zhabei District People's Court yesterday, Shanghai Daily reports. In several cases This product uses herbs to target the symptoms of allergies and colds But according to a leading herbalist, a new, all-natural formulation based on Chinese Herbology, called Rootology: Breathe Free, can quiet springtime allergy symptoms in a way .

Urban Remedy embodies the belief that food is healing. Founded in 2009 by practitioner of Chinese medicine, herbalist and licensed acupuncturist, Neka Pasquale L.Ac. M.S., the company is ventured back by Venture51 and Science. Urban Remedy ships directly Feng Shui is the area of Chinese medicine that helps you rest, relax, and restore your vital energies through healthful practices and a calm environment. Learn how's Ellen Whitehurst can help you create a peaceful home, landscape, and Despite the universal appeal of herbal chicken soup, many would agree that the dish, which is usually steamed with about 10 different herbs, is perhaps a tad too troublesome to attempt at home. To prepare this traditional Chinese dish from scratch (NaturalNews) There are numerous alternative treatments for ADHD - some more effective than others. Chinese herbal medicine has roots that go back thousands of years. Surprisingly enough, when modern studies test many of the traditional Chinese herbs used .


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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