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Medicinal Plants In The Rainforest


As part of its initiative to grow and conserve medicinal plants, the Karnataka State Forest Industries Corporation (KSFIC) will soon start a medicinal plant project at Sirsi in Uttara Kannada. "The project is under the active consideration of the national Major fire broke out in the forest in the frontier district of Kupwara in north Kashmir, damaging hundreds of green trees and medicinal plants besides disturbing wildlife. Official sources said here that fire broke out Thursday evening after a power Ethnobotanists, people who study the relationship between plants and people, have long been aware that rainforest dwellers have an astounding knowledge of medicinal plants. Kaiapo shaman in the Amazon. For thousands of years, indigenous groups have The flora of Yugoslavia is not only rich but also very varied. Many wild aromatic and medicinal plants flourish, especially on the uncultivated and forest land along the Adriatic coast and on the immense Danubian plain. From these Yugoslavia produces large The SGNP authorities have already brought some samples of medicinal plants from the Forest Department nursery at Shahpur. In the future, the authorities also plan to take help from various forest departments of the country so that there can be a wider Karwar: Large-scale smuggling of medicinal plants, particularly ‘Saptarangi’ (Salacia Reticalate) billets and -Guvada’ (Mappia Foetida) leaves and barks from Joida and Khanapur forest region continues unabated despite constant watch by forest officials. .

I remember sitting along a path crowded by many of the medicinal plants I used often in my work with herbs native medicinal herbs around my house on the edge of a great wild forest have become my markers for the coming seasons.” Government has cautioned Ugandans against reckless cutting of trees saying it is leading to the loss of trees and plants with medicinal values The function took place at Lwamunda Central Forest Reserve, Mpigi district. The Pan African Movement will The community forest that lies in the Khata corridor A total of 995 farmers cultivated these medicinal and aromatic plants in over 100 hectares of land and extracted nearly 2800 kgs of essential oil in the year 2011. The farmers sold the essential In the Amazon, native healers work with medicinal plants from the rainforest, and prepare remedies for people who live in their areas. Often, these traditional healers are the only doctors available. In the course of my extensive travels in the Amazon .


Another Picture of medicinal plants in the rainforest :

MANDRAKE - ALRAUNE - MANDRÁGORA (Mandragora) Die Gemeine Alraune
MANDRAKE - ALRAUNE - MANDRÁGORA (Mandragora) Die Gemeine Alraune

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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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