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Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe vera cactus plants
Aloe vera cactus plants

Aloe vera has been a staple in the medicine cabinet since the ancient Egyptians dubbed it the “plant of immortality” and offered it as a burial gift to deceased pharaohs. Since then, its uses have become more targeted and medicinal, and it is one of The aloe vera plant actually is in the same family with onions and garlic as well as part of the lily family too. This succulent plant is incredible and has been used therapeutically for over 5,000 years and was referred to as the plant of immortality by We’ve all experienced burns… in the kitchen, on the beach… and if you’ve been lucky enough to have an aloe vera plant nearby, you may have experienced this popular soothing and healing remedy right from the source (commercial aloe vera topical Aloe vera originated in Northern Africa, but today it can be found throughout the world. Here in Nicaragua, it grows in abundance. I have five aloe vera plants growing in my yard in Granada. Aloe vera is one of the most impressive medicinal herbs invented (NaturalNews) Ancient Egyptians dubbed aloe vera the "plant of immortality". You may have used aloe vera already if you've ever experienced a bad sunburn; it's the clear green goop that is commonly found in nearly every pharmacy aisle. The earliest Aloe vera is one of the plants that has many skin benefits. When applied on the hair and skin, aloe vera is a great and effective beauty product. It is one of the best home remedies to cure acne. The anti-bacterial properties in aloe vera can reduce acne .

Although many people are aware of the herbal and medicinal benefits of using aloe vera, they are yet to incorporate its use into their daily lifestyle. Aloe vera is a succulent and mucilaginous plant that can grow up to 40 inches in height. Without a You don’t t have to buy the processed form of aloe vera. What are you doing this weekend? Invest your time in gardening. You can grow your own aloe vera plant, here is how. First of all, when you go to buy an aloe vera plant. Surely, that large plant The Aloe Vera plant is a succulent plant of African origin whose long, green leaves contain aloe gel and a sticky yellow residue called latex. The uses of the aloe vera plant have proven extensive; its contents have been used to treat such conditions as AN MP advised the government to involve the Commission for Science and Technology (Costech) in researching the Aloe Vera plant whose uses have recently gained popularity among members of the public. Asking a supplementary question, Ms Waride Jabu (Kiembe .


Another Picture of aloe vera plant :

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera

Watering Your Aloe Vera Plants
Watering Your Aloe Vera Plants

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Plant Care
Aloe Vera Plant Care


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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