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Herbal Medicine Information

ACAC - #Herbal Medicines
ACAC - #Herbal Medicines

Herb and Garden Day celebrates the growth of herbalism in the state and the wealth of information available for those interested in traditional herbal medicine, natural health and holistic healing. Workshops include aromatherapy, heirloom herb gardening The survey was reportedly a part of an exercise to acquire and preserve this traditional system of herbal medicine by documenting and identifying the plants and specimens used for treatments in these areas. The ethnomedicinal information for the survey was Individuals should read any provided safety information and discuss the use of herbal medicines with their GP or pharmacist before using a new product. In particular, they should consult authoritative bodies such as the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory "The aim of the THR scheme is to give people access to traditional herbal medicines that are safe, of good quality and have information on how to use the product correctly. "The public should only buy herbal medicines that they know have met standards To promote the safe use of herbal remedies, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food and the Department of Health jointly established a database that holds information on all of the dangerous effects related to the medicines. It is updated annually. All herbal medicines sold over the counter in the UK should according to the law be licensed. The MHRA assesses them on safety, quality and patient information. By 2011 a new scheme, which is currently being rolled out, will be in place. "Check for .

Watch out for the potential lethal dangers of herbal medicines if taken in large quantities, injected, or combined with prescription drugs. Herbs can interact with medicines. See the sites, "Herbs: Toxicities And Drug Interactions Information by He shares his knowledge of herbal medicine with consumers and educators all over the In 2005, he was the recipient of the Natural Products Association's Clinician Award. For more information on Rainbow Light and its products, visit "Also the efficacy and safety of such products is generally under- researched and information on potentially significant herb-drug interactions is limited," the release added. For his part, Graham said that some patients do seem to be helped by herbal .


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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