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Uses Of Medical Cannabis

Discovery Health
Discovery Health "5 Common Uses of Medical Cannabis"

WASHINGTON (AP) — Libertarian-minded and moderate Republicans joined forces early Friday morning with Democrats in an early morning House vote to block the federal government from interfering with states that permit the use of medical marijuana. MANILA - Pot sessions will not be allowed under the bill that seeks to legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes, Isabela Rep. Rodolfo Albano lll, who authored the measure, said yesterday. He said the bill contains strict provisions that would the House of Representatives voted Friday to bar federal authorities from raiding medical marijuana facilities or growers in states that have legalized its use. Several Republicans, citing the need to curb federal overreach, joined Democrats to pass an Minnesota: Medical marijuana is now legal in Minnesota, making it the 22nd state to do so. However, the law was passed under the bizarre stipulation that patients not be allowed to smoke flowers -- only the use of edibles, oils and vaporizers are permitted. Minnesota’s new Medical Cannabis Act, signed into law on May 29, 2014, narrows the kind medical cannabis permitted, as compared to many other state laws, but may offer considerable protections to applicants and employees in the workplace. The Act became WEDNESDAY, May 29 (HealthDay News) -- Three-quarters of doctors who responded to a survey about medical marijuana said they would approve the use of the drug to help ease pain in an older woman with advanced breast cancer. In a February issue of the New .

But medical marijuana advocates said the plan is too limited and will take too long, and Cuomo should be backing the Compassionate Use Act, a full-blown medical marijuana bill, instead of trying to blunt efforts to pass it by enacting half-measures. ROCKVILLE CENTRE - Advocates for legalizing medical marijuana held a rally Wednesday in Rockville Centre, urging lawmakers in Albany to bring the Compassionate Care bill to the Senate floor for a vote. The bill would allow the use of medical marijuana to and prosecute medical marijuana patients, by no longer allowing agencies under the Justice Department to use federal dollars to enforce federal marijuana laws in states that have legalized medicinal use of the drug. By a surprisingly wide and bipartisan MINNEAPOLIS — Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton signed a bill yesterday to legalize medical marijuana in liquid or pill form for a limited number of residents suffering from severe or fatal illnesses. Minnesota joins more than 20 U.S. states that have approved .


Another Picture of uses of medical cannabis :

Brain uses marijuana-like chemicals to calm neurons, researchers find
Brain uses marijuana-like chemicals to calm neurons, researchers find

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Medical Marijuana

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