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Medicinal Herb


NEPALGUNJ, JUN 01 - Police have taken nine trucks under control in Nepalgunj suspecting illegal supply of medicinal herbs from various districts of mid-western and far-western regions. Deputy Superintendent of Police Sushil Singh Rathaur said one among the NEPALGUNJ, JUN 02 - Police took under control a truck laden with medicinal herbs from Parwatipur in Banke on Saturday night. Deputy Superintendent of Police Sushil Singh Rathaur said a team from Banke District Police Office took away the truck (Na Medicinal Blackberries: The leaf is more commonly used as a medicinal herb, but the root also has medicinal value. The root-bark and the leaves are astringent and diuretic.. They make an excellent alternative medicine for dysentery, diarrhea, hemorrhoids ASHWAGANDHA, (Withania somnifera), an Ayurvedic herb, has been used in India as an adaptogen for centuries. It is thought to help increase the body's resistance towards adverse influences. It is also an antispasmodic. Ashwagandha is a medicinal ayurvedic Medicinal herbs are essentially extreme foods. In Chinese herbal medicine, flavor is the defining characteristic that identifies the medicinal power of a herb. When using herbs as medicine the intensity of the flavor is more important than the quantity of Rajaram Tripathi, an amiable former banker based in Kondagaon, currently runs a cooperative that grows medicinal herbs and employs over 300 tribal women in Bastar region. "We will begin plantation initially on 10,000 acres of land by September-October this .

(NaturalNews) High blood pressure is an epidemic that is currently sweeping across America. The fast lifestyle of fast food, soda and stress is starting to catch up on the average American, so much so that an estimated one in every three Americans has high It's been quite a ride and it is still going at a high speed. From the moment of realization that the world of healing herbs was calling me, to my first herbal class, to running a small-scale herb farm that grows medicinal herbs with organic methods, to Wednesday June 4, 2014 ( -- A new study in Plant Science Today suggests that a compound isolated from a Chinese medicinal herb shows promise in treating cervical cancer. Acetylshikonin was isolated from Lithospermum erythrorhizon Sieb. In an ideal world, all gardners would have a personal list of Top 10 garden herbs tailored to their particular climate and health concerns. The goal is that the information below is inspirational in creating one’s own unique dream medicinal herb garden. .


Another Picture of medicinal herb :

Medicinal herb garden.
Medicinal herb garden.

medicinal herb garden
medicinal herb garden

Medicinal Herbs in the Mint Family
Medicinal Herbs in the Mint Family

Medicinal Herb Horsetail
Medicinal Herb Horsetail


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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