Mint Herb

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If you love to garden and cook, add a few herbs to your plant collection. While chiefly grown for food seasoning, herbs have many uses as well. They can be used for medicinal purposes and are valued for their oils and fragrances. Dried materials from herbs Many gardeners love mint. At one time, almost every kitchen garden contained mint plants. Tasty in drinks, refreshing in foods and aromatic in potpourris, it occupied a place of honor among herbs. There are perhaps 25 species of mint (Mentha) in the world Peppermint, Spearmint, Apple Mint, and Pineapple Mint are your choices. Mint is a very easy plant to grow and may take over your garden if you're not careful. For best results give mint plenty of room to spread in a partially shady location (mint will grow IN THE FIELD of herbs, mint stands alone. Undeniably bracing, its flavor enervates Mediterranean, Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine, yet mint is still underutilized in most American home kitchens. Well-known for prolific sprouting, the fragrant herb We use the spearmint in our petit fours, and the apple mint is used in a savory dish of cod with peas." One of Mr. Lambert's favorite herbs to grow is German basil, also known as bush basil. "It produces these tiny leaves that are half the size of your It is astounding that so many of our most popular and valuable herbs including what I would consider the majority of the finest culinary herbs are in the mint family. They include basil, thyme, lavender, lemon balm, oregano, sweet marjoram, rosemary .
Fresh and verdant as springtime, mint is the herb that “doubles your pleasure.” Pleasure No. 1: Easy-to-grow mint shows off abundant, fragrant green leaves, planted in a bright, cool garden spot, or in pots on a well-lit kitchen countertop. Pleasure No Bay Area gardeners are gradually coming to know a wider variety of aromatic medicinal plants, and one that should be near the top of that list is Monardella villosa, commonly known as Coyote mint. Endemic to California, this tough, native herb is found in Mint has ambitions to be ground cover Jekka McVicar is teaching a course on how to identify and forage native herbs in the UK, on June 15, as well as Fridays in June. See Jekka's Herb Farm or phone 01454 418878 or email .
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Via Kathy Klitzing

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