How To Herb Garden

How to make a hanging herb garden
Are you sick of watching bundles of leftover herbs languishing in your crisper? Fret not — there's an easy solution: plant an herb garden. Resilient and low-maintenance, most herbs can grow indoors or outside — a backyard, deck, or balcony is ideal Herbs are fragrant, they're useful in the kitchen, the medicine cabinet and in commerce, and the best part is they're really easy to grow. Whether they're annuals or perennials, just give them neutral soil, plenty of sun and a well-drained site, and they One can use bottled herbs that have grown musty and, in many cases, barren of exotic fragrance. Or one can purchase fresh herbs from the supermarket, the ones that are stuffed into a zipper-lock bag like a lady in a corset, often woefully wilted and A handful, a sprig or even a simple garnish of fresh herbs improves the quality (and the composition) of just about any meal. But supermarket options barely last a week; wouldn't it be better if you had ready-access to fresh, aromatic herbs right in your I have always wanted to make an herb garden, but with a small yard, 4 children, and 2 dogs, there is not much room left for an herb garden, or any garden for that matter. That was an issue until I came upon the wonderful pallet garden on Pinterest a few I am an almost tediously optimistic grower – I’ve planted orchards of pecans and almonds, for heaven’s sake – but this long winter has tested my positivity. Last March, for a week and a half, I dug the veg plot in shorts while the sun burnt the .
Growing herbs indoors in pots is a wonderful way to continue the fresh flavors and nutritional benefits of fresh food into winter. If you want to know how to grow herbs on a patio or balcony, there are some things to consider before beginning your Watching your garden-fresh herb supply go from healthy bunches to picked-over, withering stalks can be one of the most depressing parts of autumn. Sure, you can preserve them by drying or freezing them, or by whipping up (and freezing) a healthy herb pesto. A few summers ago, I did a series of “green thumb guides” for Blisstree; each post providing a primer on planting and nurturing one vegetable or herb. Now that ’tis the season where everyone starts itching to grow things, I thought I’d convene .
Another Picture of how to herb garden :

how to grow herbs in az

How to Start an Indoor Herb Garden

Herb garden in pots by the kitchen door!

How+to+Plant+out+a+Herb+Garden | Apothecary and Herbs