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Ancient Herbal Remedies

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What Western medicine have struggled to do for the longest time, the Chinese have been getting it right for thousands of years. Corydalis yanhusuo, a flowering herbal plant that grows in Siberia, Northern China and Japan, has been used for centuries by Today, most of the ladies and girls in special have been seen complaining about skin problems. Skin problem like acne, scars, dark spots, wrinkles, sign of aging, pimples etc are very common these days. There are many chemical products available in the Corydalis yanhusuo root, an ancient Chinese remedy, could be used to treat chronic Corydalis yanhusuo is a member of the poppy family, and has been used for centuries as an herbal remedy for stomach pain and menstrual cramps. It also contains several Kent Young Health Products Center & Co. in Chicago's Chinatown sells over 400 herbs for a variety of ailments. These include the common cold, nausea and digestive problems, urinary tract infections, high blood pressure and cancer, said Jian Qiang Yang, a The art of Asian medicine was founded in the use of acupuncture, massage and herbal remedies that have been practiced for thousands of years. Our imaginations can easily take us to tiny little herb shops with ancient faced practitioners, grinding their For roughly two thousand years, Chinese herbalists have treated Malaria using a root extract, commonly known as Chang Shan, from a type of hydrangea that grows in Tibet and Nepal. More recent studies suggest that halofuginone, a compound derived from this .

Peppercorns are the small, aromatic dried fruits of the peppercorn plant. To reap the most nutritional value from pepper, buy whole peppercorn. "Poorer quality peppercorns are commonly preground," states The spice's cancer-fighting potential is SAN ANTONIO – An ancient Chinese herbal remedy is being put to the test in a new clinical trial at the UT Health Science Center San Antonio. Extract from the bark of the Amur cork tree (Phellodendron amurense) has long been used in Chinese herbal MORE and more these days it seems that medical science is proving the validity of old folk remedies. One of the latest examples is celery, an ancient herbal remedy put to the test in the laboratory by researchers on high blood pressure. The work Chileans are rediscovering the ancient herbal remedies of the Mapuche tribe, including a sexual energizer called a natural Viagra and other inexpensive alternative medicines. the Mapuche, Chile's largest native ethnic group, live mainly in the Temuco area .


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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