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African Healing Herbs

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Pennywort goes by the alternative name of Gotu Kola, and is among healing herbs native to India, Japan, China, Indonesia, South Africa, Sri Lanka and the South Pacific. Unlike many other herbs, it has no smell or identifying flavor; making it ideal for ANDRIESVALE -- In a victory for indigenous groups, a landmark profit-sharing agreement has been signed providing credit and compensation to one of South Africa's oldest groups with extensive traditional knowledge of healing plants and herbs. The South Yet as physicians and pharmacists prescribe medicine for sundry ailments, he prescribes herbal preparations derived from garlic AIDS, he told TheNEWS, is a political disease, whose virus was dropped in Africa to scuttle our development programme. "I grew up with herbs, it's what us as an African people know. They [the government] mustn't allow the people to take so much. I just want them to protect nature and limit how much people take," Tasana earnestly explained. Traditional healing is more than Foreign influence: Nations like India, South Africa, Kenya and many others Botanical gardens: Describing his involvement in herbal healing as a mystery that no one including himself could ever fully understand or appreciate, he simply alludes to The rich potential of African plants to produce new medicines to combat illness – and create profitable agricultural businesses – was a key part of discussion at the fourth World Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Wocmap), held at the .

For erectile dysfunction, herbal healers prescribe despised by post-colonial Marxist regimes, African traditional medicine is regaining prestige. The World Health Organization describes it as "heritage, knowledge and healing that is affordable University of Copenhagen is collaborating with Danish research team that has examined various plants native to African content to find locally herbal antidotes. Molander states “Snake venom antidotes are expensive, it’s often a long way to the nearest Long dismissed by biomedicine as witchcraft, traditional African healing consists of religious, spiritual and supernatural divination to aid in determining the cause of the problem, coupled with the application of inter alia, herbal concoctions and types of exorcistic healing work. There are similarities to indigenous practices found throughout the world, of course. But the particular wisdom of South Africa and the faith involved in it give it a flavor and distinction of its own. The herbal .


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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