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Natural Remedies For Menopause

Best Herbal Remedies For Treat Menopause in Age of 50
Best Herbal Remedies For Treat Menopause in Age of 50

When women reach menopause, many struggle with the decision of whether to take hormone replacement therapy. It often comes down to weighing the compelling benefits against the disturbing drawbacks. The benefits are relief of symptoms like hot flashes and Menopause is a natural transition, not a disease. Nevertheless, many women experience hot flashes, night sweats, sexual dysfunction and mood swings during the menopausal life-stages. In 2005, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Since two major studies called hormone replacement therapy into question a decade ago - raising fears of breast cancer, stroke and heart disease - women confronting the menopause have faced a confusing choice. While medical opinion has begun to swing back Black Cohosh contains a plant-based estrogen that helps regulate hormones, offering relief to a wide range of women with menopause symptoms, such as vaginal dryness, itching, moodiness, depression and hot flashes. Wild Yam is an excellent natural menopause Menopause is a transition between two stages in women. Menopause is a natural phenomenon in women indicating cessation of reproductive ability. In menopause, menses stops due to changes in hormones in the body. It naturally occurs in women when they are Menopause, a consequence of aging, triggers hormonal imbalance in the body and causes several symptoms. Do not, however, be dejected as the menopausal symptoms can be managed well by resorting to some natural remedies. Common symptoms of menopause include .

Menopause can start anytime between the ages of 45 and 55 and last as long as five years — so it’s no wonder that natural remedies are a hot topic (so to speak). Here are three approaches to try. Women are being warned they could damage their health with 'unproven' herbal remedies to treat menopausal symptoms. Hundreds of thousands stopped HRT after health scares in favour of alternative therapies but there is 'no strong evidence' of their From hot flushes and mood swings to insomnia and weight gain, menopause can be a difficult time for any woman. So to alleviate some of the inevitable the side effects of going through the change, HuffPost UK Lifestyle have pulled together seven natural There's really no delicate way to describe the unnerving symptoms Sue Rogers, 58, experienced when she started menopause a few years ago. The hot flashes raged through her body, causing her to wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. .


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Treatment Options For Natural Menopause
Treatment Options For Natural Menopause

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Home Remedies for Menopause

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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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