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Chinese Herbal Medicine

Since the discovery of traditional Chinese herbal medicine by Shennong
Since the discovery of traditional Chinese herbal medicine by Shennong

For people with elevated blood sugar levels, taking chinese herbal medicines may reduce the risk of developing diabetes, early research from China suggests. Nearly 400 people in China with prediabetes were randomly assigned in the study to take either an ata from a late-breaking abstract presented at the International Liver CongressTM 2014 identifies a new compound, SBEL1, that has the ability to inhibit hepatitis C virus (HCV) activity in cells at several points in the virus' lifecycle.[i] SBEL1 is a chinese herbal medicine, which has been used for thousands of years in China, has long been considered an effective treatment for vascular dementia. There are already meta-analyses of the effects of herbal extracts (ginkgo biloba and huperzine A) on Licensed acupuncturists working aboard a growing number of cruise ships advertise their healing services. Less well known is the chinese herbal medicine they sell during cruises. According to Steiner Leisure, which operates most spas on cruise ships, you A new paper claims that traditional Chinese herbal medicines might slow the progression of diabetes - by slowing the more vague condition referred to as "prediabetes." Prediabetes is considered to mean elevated blood sugar levels without the rise in Brain cancer is a very serious illness which often has devastating consequences for the young and old alike. reports that in the United States the annual incidence of brain cancer is generally 15–20 cases per 100,000 people. .

In early 2013, the State Medical Board of Ohio began regulating the practice of Oriental medicine, which includes the practice of acupuncture and the use of herbal therapy. Chinese herbal therapy The Chinese Materia Medica (a pharmacological reference book Herbal medicines sold in Britain have been found to contain ‘unsafe’ levels of pesticides. An investigation into traditional Chinese remedies readily available in the UK found many contain a potentially toxic cocktail of chemical residues. Although This is the first study to show that a Chinese herbal medicine can "reduce the progression of prediabetes to diabetes," says study author Chun-Su Yuan, MD, PhD, from the Tang Center for Herbal Medicine Research at the University of Chicago, Illinois. .


Another Picture of chinese herbal medicine :

chinese herbs for fertility
chinese herbs for fertility

Chinese Herbs for Infertility and high FSH
Chinese Herbs for Infertility and high FSH

Chinese Herbs
Chinese Herbs

Chinese medicine
Chinese medicine


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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