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Natural Herbs For Colds

Natural remedies for cold and flu
Natural remedies for cold and flu

It is an uncomfortable feeling that one suffers when one's tooth comes in contact with hot, cold, sour or sweet food items be a few of the causes for sensitive teeth. We list a few natural herbs for those with sensitive teeth. Arnica: It is one With cold season in the air, it’s a good to stay on top of your health. There are several common herbs for healing colds. The following are common herbs used for healing colds: cayenne comfrey, fenugreek, garlic, golden seal, and rose hips. Cayenne The The common cold is an ailment that affects us not just during the rainy season, but also at other times of the year and it can be quite a draining experience. There are a few natural remedies that you can use as soon as you feel a bout of flu or cough Cold sores are common blisters that occur on the lips or around the mouth. About 90 percent of American adults have been exposed to the herpes simplex virus HSV1 that causes cold sores and can be spread by kissing or sharing drinks or utensils. If you have In herbal medicine, it’s used to break up mucous, also a side affect of the common cold. An extract of elderberry called sambucol can help to treat symptoms of cold and flu by easing congestion and making you sweat more. It’s also been shown to shorten Traditional Chinese medicine has been refining its treatment of the common cold for more than 2,000 years. In Chinese medicine, symptoms of a cold -- headache, chills, fever, cough, runny nose -- are said to be caused by wind and cold, or wind and heat .

Honey has been used as a homemade cough suppressant for centuries, and research from Penn State College of Medicine recently confirmed that “just a small dose of honey given before bedtime provided the greatest improvement of nighttime cough and sleep (NaturalNews) Persistent coughing, runny nose, stuffed up sinuses, headaches -- these are among the many symptoms that can drag you down and leave you feeling helpless to make it through your day and fulfill your responsibilities when you catch a cold virus. Spring is in the air and so are some nasty cold viruses which are nursed to perfection in our wet Western Washington climate. When children come down with one of them, mothers who prefer natural remedies are faced with the problem of administering the .


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092413 - Natural Remedies for Colds

Natural health remedies for cold, flu
Natural health remedies for cold, flu

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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →

1 comment:

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