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Chinese Herbal Remedies

Healing art of Chinese herbal remedies

An Asian remedy called the "thunder god vine" could rival traditional treatments for RA. To manage the pain and swelling of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), medication and physical therapy are usually the recommended course of treatment. But a new study from A traditional Chinese herbal remedy used to relieve joint pain and inflammation works as well as methotrexate, a standard drug treatment that is frequently prescribed to control the symptoms of active rheumatoid arthritis, reveals research published online According to a article located on, dated July 16, Sweden's food safety watchdog announced that arsenic has been found to be in a Chinese herbal remedy. The remedy goes by several names, Niu-Huang Chieh-tu-pien, Divya Kaishore Guggul, and which has existed for millennia," explains a 2007 study on the synergistic effects of chinese herbal remedies that was published in the Asian Journal of Chemistry. "[S]ome, particularly in the West, doubt the effect and synergy of traditional Chinese At the fall equinox there is less Yang and increased Yin, and more susceptibility to feeling cold-cold internal core, weakness, sore joints, frequent urination, and going inward. The kidneys (yin) and bladder (yang) are associated with winter. The kidneys A banned substance still found in some chinese herbal remedies sold illegally in the UK and U.S has been blamed for the high rate of urinary tract cancers in Taiwan. Found in Aristolochia plants, Aristolochic acid (AA) is an ingredient common in botanical .
A recent study shows that herbal remedies may be more helpful at treating rheumatoid arthritis than common drugs used to treat inflammation associated with the health issue. Like Us on Facebook Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F, also known as the "Thunder God A Chinese herbal remedy works just as well as a standard drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, researchers have claimed. It only takes two minutes to do and you'll immediately have access to our news and opinion articles and you'll be able to sign up Acupuncture, an ancient method created thousands of years ago by the Chinese, is a viable way to treat chronic disease and pain. Ning Qian, a graduate of the Nanjing Traditional Medical University in China, practiced in China for 16 years before moving to .

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Chinese Herbs Wholesale, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Herbal Remedies

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Chinese Herbal Remedies


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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