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Herbal Medications

Herbal medicine
Herbal medicine

But surveys show that about a quarter of all adults in the UK have used a herbal medicine in the past two years, mostly bought over the counter in health food shops and pharmacies. The regulations will cover widely used products such as echinacea Many hospitals in China utilize Chinese herbal medicine alongside modern biomedical pharmaceutical drugs. Many of these hospitals have trained herbalists working alongside biomedical trained physicians in an effort to find the best therapy for the patient. For people with elevated blood sugar levels, taking Chinese herbal medicines may reduce the risk of developing diabetes, early research from China suggests. Nearly 400 people in China with prediabetes were randomly assigned in the study to take either an This sort of research data are used similarly for conventional drug development. The other challenge for testing herbal medicine lies in designing effective clinical trials. Herbal medicine practitioners often differentiate between individual patients with Many scientists raise a skeptical eyebrow to traditional herbal treatments, but a new phylogenetic study suggests that such remedies may hold promise—for both medicine and drug development. In the study, researchers from the University of Reading in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic healing system that has been in use for thousands of years. TCM is still commonly used today in clinics and hospitals throughout China and most of Asia. The techniques of Chinese Medicine, were developed .

Herbal Medicine is very different from what most people know of herbs. The marketing and supplement manufacturers encourage the idea that a specific herb is important and it is for one particular problem. For example St. John’s Wort for depression or The survey was reportedly a part of an exercise to acquire and preserve this traditional system of herbal medicine by documenting and identifying the plants and specimens used for treatments in these areas. The ethnomedicinal information for the survey was The participants were assured utmost confidentiality of the information tendered during the interview. Participants who had used herbal medicine at least once in the last six months were regarded as herbal medicine users; those who had never used it at all He therefore urged the Federal, state and local governments nationwide to encourage further research, development and standardization of herbal medicine and practice in the country at once. He stated that such have been acknowledged to be very efficacious .


Another Picture of herbal medications :


Pinned by M Stevens
Pinned by M Stevens

Sweet Herbal Medicine for the Cold Season
Sweet Herbal Medicine for the Cold Season

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Herbs/Herbal Medicine


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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