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Information On Herbal Medicine


Individuals should read any provided safety information and discuss the use of herbal medicines with their GP or pharmacist before using a new product. In particular, they should consult authoritative bodies such as the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory To promote the safe use of herbal remedies, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food and the Department of Health jointly established a database that holds information on all of the dangerous effects related to the medicines. It is updated annually. However, 21.3% of respondents said that if they were faced with a patient taking an herbal medicine they were unfamiliar with, they wouldn't seek further information about it. The primary reason cited for this was being unsure where to find such They also have to be sold with patient information about how the product should be used "It is now nearly 10 years since the implementation of the European Directive on herbal medicines. Companies have had this time to bring products up to appropriate Oral contraceptives and implants already contain warnings on patient information sheets not to take the herbal An estimated 10 million Britons take herbal remedies, vitamins and minerals regularly. Previously, warnings have been issued about the According to a new study many herbal remedies are not free from side effects as commonly believed. Herbal medicines may not contain all the information that consumers need to use them safely said the study. Investigators examined a number of popular herbal .

Most of the herbal medicine products studied did not provide key safety information which consumers need for their safe use. The new European Union legislation should ensure that St John's wort and echinacea products will include the previously missing May 11, 2007 -- About two-thirds of people taking herbal supplements to treat a health condition advocate for public health policies that would disseminate evidence-based information regarding the appropriate use of herbs," says researcher Aditya "Herbal medicines have traditionally been used for the relief of "Also the efficacy and safety of such products is generally under- researched and information on potentially significant herb-drug interactions is limited," the release added. Some information on these sites is free But the whole field of dietary and herbal supplements is basically faith-based medicine, so I'm glad there are some websites to check to make sure that while I think I'm doing myself some good, I'm not .


Another Picture of information on herbal medicine :

Brain Herbs | Herbal Remedies Info
Brain Herbs | Herbal Remedies Info

Herbal Medicine
Herbal Medicine

Top 5 Herbal Remedies for Sleep Apnea
Top 5 Herbal Remedies for Sleep Apnea

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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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