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Hyssop Herb

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In the herb garden, the mint family pretty much runs the neighborhood. Looking out my kitchen window, I can see oregano, marjoram, lavender, summer savory, basil, perilla, sage, rosemary, anise hyssop, thyme and lemon balm. All these are members of a Another herb that was given special use was hyssop, a plant used to spread the blood of sacrificial lambs around the door frames of a home to save the life of the first born child from the angel of death during the first Passover. Then Moses summoned all Many of these old-fashioned herbs are endowed with a fascinating and sometimes ancient history of use as food, flavoring, tea, insect repellents, medicine and perfume. Their quaint names — such as artemesia, bee balm, hyssop, clary sage, and sweet For help in easing asthma symptoms and enhancing respiratory health, some patients turn to such natural remedies as hyssop (an herb found in the mint family and commonly consumed in tea form). While research on the asthma-fighting effects of hyssop is very A few good websites include The Herb Society of America (, Fine Gardening magazine ( and Martha Stewart Living ( Anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum): This herbaceous shrub has "deliciously anise-scented They include basil, thyme, lavender, lemon balm, oregano, sweet marjoram, rosemary, sage, savory, summer savory, anise hyssop, and germander. Some surprising members of the mint family aren't considered herbs at all: ajuga (the ground cover known as carpet .

Dermazone Solutions, a recognized leader in remedies for advanced health care management, has expanded with a new division and product line, Hyssop Health™, dedicated to improving wellness. Hyssop Health Therapy is a natural solution formulated to The colour of the leaves and their textures are attractive. Grey-leaved herbs add interest and aromatic scents to hot summer days. Hyssop flowers can be white, pink and deep blue, and borage has brilliant blue flowers. Try any of these perennials One of the beds includes the ancient herb hyssop, mentioned in the Old Testament for purification, as well as lemon grass, which is related to calamus or reed cane in the Bible. God included calamus in his directions to Moses for making and using holy oil. .


Another Picture of hyssop herb :

Flowering Herbs
Flowering Herbs

Natures Answer Hyssop Herb Organic Alcohol 1 oz by Nature's Answer. $7
Natures Answer Hyssop Herb Organic Alcohol 1 oz by Nature's Answer. $7

Hyssopus officinalis
Hyssopus officinalis

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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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