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Medicinal Remedies

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Pinned by Jett Bennett

Boston, MA -- (SBWIRE) -- 06/04/2014 -- Mexico has a strong tradition of herbal/traditional remedies that are popular amongst a large percentage of the population. While in the past many consumers switched to OTC remedies, a growing trend favouring natural Nearly all traditional impotence remedies fall flat, though a few of them are dangerous. Trust me on this, you REALLY don’t want to take spanish fly. Insect herbal remedies are still popularly sold today, usually as unregulated “supplements.” Two oral herbal treatments seem to reduce pain and improve function in osteoarthritis at least in the short term, according to the findings of a new Cochrane review. Ninety days of treatment with 100mg Boswellia serrata, an Indian frankincense, improved IRWINDALE, Calif., June 3, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Has shopping for herbal supplements ever been fun? Let's face it, the health and wellness aisle can be boring and tricky. How do you know what works? Take one look at BioTerra Herbs ®, and you'll see why John Gallagher is a Community Centered Herbalist and licensed acupuncturist. His wife Kimberly has been using herbal remedies for years and studied at RavenCroft Garden in Washington. They homeschool their two children. The game is just one of the products Admitting that she wanted to hear the Cuban doctors' diagnosis, Minto-Haughton, a herbalist, had taken various herbal remedies with her on her trip. She told the Sunday Observer that she started on her herbal remedies and within three weeks she was able to .

Herbal/Traditional Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies, Herbal/Traditional Dermatologicals, Herbal/Traditional Dietary Supplements, Herbal/Traditional Digestive Remedies, Herbal/Traditional Medicinal Teas, Herbal/Traditional Paediatric Dietary Don’t forget peppermint Altoids, which can also help a great deal. Chris Kilham is a medicine hunter who researches natural remedies all over the world, from the Amazon to Siberia. He teaches ethnobotany at the University of Massachusetts Amherst The GLP accredited research centre of Venus Remedies Limited, Venus Medicine Research Center has received another patent grant for a novel antibiotic product VRP008 consisting of a carbapenem and a novel aminoglycoside (NCE entity) from EPO. Pioneering Garden Remedies had planned to carry out multi-million-dollar renovations to the former Glass Dimensions site at 197 Western Ave. to turn it into a cultivation site under the state’s new medicinal marijuana law, and had applied for a special permit for .


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Pinned by Leah Caesar

 herbal remedies, good thing I keep an open mind to eastern medicine
herbal remedies, good thing I keep an open mind to eastern medicine

10 Herbal Remedies For Hypothyroidism
10 Herbal Remedies For Hypothyroidism


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


Herbal Teas

visit raingardens com
visit raingardens com

Seven of the most effective ones are listed below. Often taken as a tea, chamomile is a well-known relaxant, making it a commonly used way to address insomnia. A natural sleep aid that is herbal in nature, chamomile tea is best consumed about 30 minutes If you’re feeling sick from a respiratory viral infection there is an herbal tea that can help. Peppermint herbal tea works extremely well for treating respiratory viral infections. Peppermint contains menthol, a very volatile oil useful for clearing Just when you thought pampered pets could not get any more pampered: a British company has started making a range of herbal teas — for dogs. The tea costs as much as $22 for 28 pyramid-shaped bags which they claim improves digestion, freshens breath and but the caffeine and milk in the tea isn’t really suitable for dogs. So we came up with a range of herbal teas they can enjoy without negative effects.’ He has two rescue dogs, Billy and Angel, who have both given the product their seal of approval. few know about the goodness of jasmine tea. A cup of jasmine herbal tea is one of the most beneficial drinks that calms down your senses and helps your system to rejuvenate. It has properties that slow down the cells in the body that cause aging. For example, green tea, black tea, white tea and earl grey are caffeinated, whereas chamomile, mint and hibiscus teas are herbal and usually aren’t caffeinated. One exception is oolong tea, which is caffeinated. What are the health benefits of tea? .

ITO EN (North America), S&D Coffee and Tea, QTrade Teas & Herbs and Kelley Organic / Eastsign Foods boast the most first-place wins in the NATC Iced Tea Class. "All of this year's North American Tea Championship winners in the Iced Tea Class are It just also happens to be the state flower of Hawaii. Although natives of India like to eat its dried leaves as if they were eating vegetables, most people prefer to make teas out of them and as a matter of fact, most teas happen to include hibiscus. Herbal tea retailer Hung Fook Tong is to open the retail book on June 23 and list on the local bourse next month to raise up to HK$500 million for branch expansion, local media reported. Ozner Water International opens the retail book today to tap HK$1.14 Dashes of powdered vanilla and honey are spooned into the bowl, nearly covering the dried green leaves. Mixing the herbal tea, Erin Heuvel explains that dandelion leaf is excellent for your liver; it's just hard to swallow without masking agents. .


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Herbal Tea Variety 24 Pack now featured on Fab.
Herbal Tea Variety 24 Pack now featured on Fab.

Terrain Herbal Tea Seed Bombs #shopterrain
Terrain Herbal Tea Seed Bombs #shopterrain

guide to herbal teas
guide to herbal teas

Benefits of Herbal Tea
Benefits of Herbal Tea


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


Small Flowered Willow Herb

Rosegolden Flowers bridal bouqet and groom's boutonniere of peonies
Rosegolden Flowers bridal bouqet and groom's boutonniere of peonies

An oft-quoted proverb informs us “that good things come in small packages.” Such wisdom as applied to the small flowered willow herb (as there is also a large flowered species) would surely be agreeable to anyone who has had the good fortune of being The agency referred to claims for Swedish Bitters, Heart Food Drops (“natural support for heart disease/stroke sufferers") and small flowered willow herb that cause the products to be considered drugs; as they are not approved for their marketed uses There are several species of willow herb with medicinal properties used for various conditions, including prostate problems. small flowered willow herb, or Epilobium parviflorum, is the best known due to the work of German healer and author, Maria Treben So, if you have a weeping willow near by, freshly cut pussy willow stems or even a branch or two of curly willow from a fresh flower small roots already forming on the willow stems. Step two, water cuttings, transplants, houseplants, vegetable plants "People are surprised when I tell them that there's a flower CSA in Milwaukee as well as ornamentals, herbs and grasses. All find their way into Watson's creative bouquets. Watson's CSA customers select from large or small bouquets that are delivered For additional information on The Inn at Willow Grove or to book reservations the ideal locale for weddings, small corporate retreats and special celebrations. Reflecting pools, ponds, formal herb and flower gardens, outdoor gas fire pits and lanterns .

Ever since we bought our old house, I have enjoyed the small a willow -- or any aggressively rooting tree -- that close to a French drain, essentially a buried trench full of rocks. The drains don't work when clogged with organic material. Herb ‘A mess of pottage,” a simple stew or thick soup made of root vegetables, herbs and legumes with the occasional He noted that the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C., has a small flower garden while the Huntington Library in California Looking out of my window through the sleet on to a cold, grey garden, I’m pleasantly distracted by a small posy of snowdrops fruits, herbs, seed heads, twigs and foliage. Destined for Constance Spry’s Flower Arranging School myself, I escaped ‘A mess of pottage,” a simple stew or thick soup made of root vegetables, herbs and legumes with the occasional He noted that the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C., has a small flower garden while the Huntington Library in California .


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


Herbs Anxiety

Herbal Remedies for Stress & Anxiety
Herbal Remedies for Stress & Anxiety

Kava: This herbal supplement is derived from the root of the kava plant, which is native to the South Pacific. Several studies have concluded that kava does significantly lower anxiety. However, the supplement has also been implicated in cases of liver Williams, Oregon – April 17, 2014 –Those who have an interest in natural, alternative ways to help relieve stress and manage anxiety now have two new solutions. Herb Pharm, a leading grower of medicinal herbs and maker of herbal healthcare products for WEDNESDAY, October 6 ( — Herbal supplements containing kava or passionflower appear to be a safe and effective treatment for the symptoms of anxiety, a new review of existing research suggests. Kava and passionflower have long been used in I am a tea nerd, if one can be such a thing. I love tea with a fervent passion most people restrict to coffee or really good top-shelf alcohol. I’m not alone; there are loads of tea fiends out there who sample teas with all the careful rumination of a Herbal therapies are astoundingly popular among the American public. In 2008 statistician Patricia M. Barnes of the National Center for Health Statistics and her colleagues reported that almost 20 percent of children and adults in the U.S. had used an Six herbal remedies for stress and/or anxiety 1. St. John’s Wort is perhaps the most well known herbal remedy for anxiety or stress. It’s been around for centuries and was widely used during the Renaissance and Victorian periods to relieve mental .

Bach Rescue Remedy - but if it is out of control anxiety it does not touch it for me. I also like calms forte. Like I said those work well for everyday type anxiety or if you are a bit over the edge. Thanks for the suggestions. My anxiety is more .


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Effective Herbal Remedies For Anxiety And Stress
Effective Herbal Remedies For Anxiety And Stress

stress has a hold on you, take a break and brew a cup of Kava Stress
stress has a hold on you, take a break and brew a cup of Kava Stress

Herbs for Anxiety
Herbs for Anxiety

10 herbs that help relieve anxiety
10 herbs that help relieve anxiety


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


Holistic Healing


Compass Center for Healing in Stillwater,, tilts toward the river on the slope of Chesnut Street, west of Second. Compass is anchored by Little Parrot Art Sanctuary, featuring visual arts, and meditation supplies. Holistic practices are For more information visit About Pulling Down the Moon: Founded in 2002, Pulling Down The Moon Holistic Health is a pioneer Integrative Care provider that works in partnership with medical doctors to treat women's health and of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine. Her vision, she says, is that the concept of doctor as authority figure is rapidly being replaced with a more progressive view of doctor as health partner. As such, Cass advocates the following Unfortunately, much of the information related to holistic approaches to healing is biased, misleading, out-of-date, or just plain wrong. For five years, repeated efforts to correct this misinformation have been blocked and the Wikipedia organization has Gloria Hernandez swears by it. So do Cristina Jimenez, and Nancy and Maung Paing. These people — all patients at Integrated Holistic Medicine ( in Boca Raton — are just a small sampling of the increasing number of South Floridians holistic healing therapies have been used by mankind since the dawn of civilization. holistic healing therapies because of their simplicity and safety have yielded brilliant results, saved many lives, and cured many diseases. Chromotherapy is one form of .

Appreciation for Reiki and other holistic healing is growing in Barbados. That is the view of Barbados Reiki Association president Sharon Hurley-Hall, who said people were very interested in holistic healing and there were hundreds of people who were being In my years of psychiatric practice and experience, after my specialization at the U.P. - PGH Medical Center in Manila, I was wholly influenced by a Freudian Concept in the treatment of the mind using basically the concept of the “unconscious and libido”. “Should I be worried about this?” is a question Angela Waltman gets asked a lot by family, friends and other members of her community. It’s also the question that led Waltman, a family nurse practitioner and mother of four to start her new Wilmette Once upon a time at a white castle fit for queens located at Martindale’s Road, a mysterious feeling of failure and doom enveloped the palace. This feeling intensified because the evil “lord cancer” tightened his death grip on the environs. .


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Natural Medicine - Plain Water with Lime or Lemon
Natural Medicine - Plain Water with Lime or Lemon

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Pinned by Jonathan Tubbs

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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


Herbs For Medical Use

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“Some plants we picked because we knew local people use them for all kinds of folk remedies,” says Fridlender. “A number of others were identified later to have beneficial properties.” The college (which is independent of the Hadassah Medical To use plants as treatments If you have a chronic condition or are under medical supervision, seek medical advice before starting any herbal treatment. Some herbal remedies should be avoided if you are pregnant, breast feeding or suffer from low According to Sinuwave (a manufacturer of an in-office disinfectant system which medical doctors can use) gives the stat of 20 percent of What if I told you there was an herb that would help to combat these painful infections? Well, actually there Several herbs may be helpful in diminishing palpitations Passionflower has historical use for anxiety and insomnia. The University of Maryland Medical Center states that passionflower may help relieve anxiety by increasing the levels of GABA While there is no substitute for modern medical knowledge or expertise, many Hispanics swear by the healing powers of old herbal remedies and still use them today. “Herbal medicine is not risk-free. To benefit from using herbs, you need to have some Herbal incense is a wonderful supplement, which is very much helpful for your health. At the past, it was just know as the form of drug, which many people use to smoke or just for pleasure. But, now, it is proved that, herbal incense has various medical .

Some people don't believe it. Wallace Sampson, M.D., Oncologist, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, CA: "The herbs are great for flavoring and that's the only use I see for them." Dr. Sampson serves on the National Council Against Health Fraud. Wallace Here are some easy-peasy ways to use herbs and spices for optimal digestive health provided above is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. WASHINGTON -- Following two years of collaboration with the medical marijuana industry policy recommendations that support safe use of products derived from cannabis species," Michael McGuffin, American Herbal Products Association president, said Medical uses aside, dandelion herbal supplements may have some nutritional value. Dandelion herbal concoctions made from dandelion leaves or roots are a source of iron, potassium and vitamins A, B, C and D. In fact, the EMA considers the amount of .


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Pinned by Juanita Fortier

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Galangal Root and its healing properties
Galangal Root and its healing properties

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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


Uses For Herbs

Grow and Use Fresh Herbs
Grow and Use Fresh Herbs

While it is an effective cure for insomnia, those people using the extracts or herb of the valerian root should not take other supplements and medications at the same time. Kava is prized for its uses against anxiety. However, like other herbs that are In my experience both herbs and drugs have something to offer, so the real question is which to use when? Western medical drugs (like pain medications or antibiotics for example) tend to be both stronger and more harsh than herbal medications because even An herb garden can serve Chicago gardeners in many ways. Growing herbs is trouble-free, and they can be grown anywhere in a garden or in containers. Herb gardens save money that can be spent on other necessities. Herbs are exquisite plants and add beauty Herbs such as chives and borage have beautiful flowers that The seeds of the cilantro plant are known as coriander and have culinary uses, too. After cilantro flowers, the seeds will soon follow. Bross allows them to dry on the plant, then crushes However, knowing what herbs to use when cooking can be intimidating. It can also be eye opening to learn the health benefits of herbs! Registered Dietitian Megan Roosevelt joined us to share how to use three very popular herbs, and their health benefits. She will share how these herbs are grown, their uses and will have plants available for purchase at the end of the program. There is a $15 registration fee for the program, and pre-registration is required. Call 717-270-4391 to register and for more .

Her creative pieces use everyday items in collage form. The Wilmington, DE museum is open from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For an herbal lecture: Ever get that feeling that your garden is missing something? Maybe it’s a selection of herbs. Choose the right herbs Several herbs are traditionally used to help alleviate palpitations. For information on personalized herbal combinations, forms, safety and dosage, a botanically-trained health care practitioner, such as a licensed naturopathic physician, should be consulted. Whether you are an experienced gardener or just starting out, the Pennsylvania Herb and Garden Festival has something for you, said Susan Eggleston, president of the festival committee and owner of Sweet Annie Herbals. "The festival is a way for novice and I absolutely love to garden. Over the past 7 years, I have grown a variety of plants (both indoors and outdoors), ranging from herbs to flowers, and even trees. If you are an avid gardener, you may be aware that every part of a plant has a purpose or use. .


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Pinned by Janette Coneff

Cosmetic Uses For Herbs
Cosmetic Uses For Herbs



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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


Medicinal Flowers

Medicinal Plants Calming Emollient Print in French
Medicinal Plants Calming Emollient Print in French

Some plants were originally grown solely for their medicinal properties but now primarily spice up our hanging baskets and containers. However, their healing properties are still present and just as potent as ever. Many medicinal plants are classified as Ashwagandha, also known as the Indian Ginseng is one of the most powerful medicinal herbs. It is more than 3000 years old and has extensively been used in Ayurveda. Why is it healthy? It is helpful in treating anxiety, lowering inflammation and blood CHITRAL: The vast highlands of Chitral produce a large variety of medicinal plants to make the district one of the potential markets of the commodity feeding the pharmaceutical industry at national level. This was said by forest conservator Afsarullah Khan In pursuit of finding eco-friendly solutions to public health hazards, the civic authorities have been promoting the raising of medicinal plants, particularly those with properties to repel mosquitoes naturally. Thanks to the initiative by the Municipal NEPALGUNJ, JUN 01 - Police have taken nine trucks under control in Nepalgunj suspecting illegal supply of medicinal herbs from various districts of mid-western and far-western regions. Deputy Superintendent of Police Sushil Singh Rathaur said one among the IDUKKI: In a bid to plug the shortage of the supply of medicinal plants, ayurvedic drug manufacturer Nagarjuna Group is all set to engage schoolchildren in growing the plants on the premises of their respective institutions. The Thodupuzha-based group will .

The swamp and the woods around it serve as the habitat for some 79 species of medicinal herbs, according to a survey by the Hawthorne Valley Farmscape Ecology Program in Columbia County. "The Native Americans had a tremendous arsenal of information about In an ideal world, all gardners would have a personal list of Top 10 garden herbs tailored to their particular climate and health concerns. The goal is that the information below is inspirational in creating one’s own unique dream medicinal herb garden. Bacopa (also called Brahmi) is a perennial plant with white or blue flowers and grows throughout Southern Asia. It has been commonly cited as a nerve tonic in Ayurvedic medicine and has been traditionally used to enhance learning and memory through its .


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MONKSHOOD - EISENHUT - ACÓNITO (Aconitum) Internal uses were also
MONKSHOOD - EISENHUT - ACÓNITO (Aconitum) Internal uses were also

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medicinal plants; Iraq 14th century
medicinal plants; Iraq 14th century


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


Dried Herbs For Sale

 dry skin and burns. It's gentle enough for sensitive skin and even
dry skin and burns. It's gentle enough for sensitive skin and even

Moreover, there has been a surge in the sale of food dehydrators — electrical devices Gather herbs in the morning to minimize wilting. — Many people dry or freeze fresh herbs, while others add them to vinegars, oils, butters, alcoholic drinks there were vegetable and herb transplants for sale, farm tours of the greenhouse and various vendors selling potpourri, container plants, soaps, skin care and dried herbs. Heather Simon and her mother, Lillie, represented Heather’s Earth products devoted One made of edible dried apple slices tends to sell out in The store will be decorated with various culinary wreaths, all for sale, including ones made with bay leaves, chilies, garlic and herbs and eucalyptus with pepper berries; $22 to $50. Co-owner Tom Wolfe says his rue, used by Hispanics and Sephardic Jews to treat digestive problems, was snapped up quickly when it went up for sale in May. Da Hsin Trading Co., in Washington's Chinatown, sells a variety of dried Chinese herbs, either stored .


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Visible Difference Matte Moisture Lotion ( Oil Free ) - Elizabeth
Visible Difference Matte Moisture Lotion ( Oil Free ) - Elizabeth

Purple eCig Holster On Sale at Fort Myers Vapor | eGo, Pen, Electronic
Purple eCig Holster On Sale at Fort Myers Vapor | eGo, Pen, Electronic

Firefly vaporizer, new to
Firefly vaporizer, new to

Grains, herbs, berries and bark for sale, Gyeongdong market, medicine
Grains, herbs, berries and bark for sale, Gyeongdong market, medicine


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


Medical Cannabis Uses

to heal Use medical marijuana T Shirt. Hemp oil and medical marijuana
to heal Use medical marijuana T Shirt. Hemp oil and medical marijuana

MANILA, Philippines—A bill seeking to legalize marijuana for medical purposes was formally filed in the House of Representatives. House Bill 4477 filed by Isabela Representative Rodolfo Albano III seeks to regulate the medical use of cannabis through a Young men who use cannabis may be putting their fertility at risk by inadvertently The study, published in the medical journal Human Reproduction, recruited 2,249 men from 14 fertility clinics around the UK and asked them to fill out detailed JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- In November Florida voters will decide whether to legalize marijuana for medicinal use. But right now there is a provision in Florida law that allows the use of medical marijuana for certain patients. The Florida Doctrine of Medical MANILA - Pot sessions will not be allowed under the bill that seeks to legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes, Isabela Rep. Rodolfo Albano lll, who authored the measure, said yesterday. He said the bill contains strict provisions that would Known by many names — like cannabis and THC — marijuana is gaining attention for its policy changes and also its medical benefits. The most common reason people receive medical marijuana is as a treatment for pain, Barth Wilsey said to WebMD. The Legislature also is considering two medical marijuana bills. One called the "Compassionate Care Act" is making its way through the Republican-led Senate. It would allow patients with one of 20 serious illnesses to use the drug. The bill would bar .

The House of Representatives last Friday voted to block the Federal Government from going after those states that have voted to allow the use of medical marijuana. The democrats and some 49 republicans voted in favor of this. The total number of states has Minnesota: Medical marijuana is now legal in Minnesota, making it the 22nd state to do so. However, the law was passed under the bizarre stipulation that patients not be allowed to smoke flowers -- only the use of edibles, oils and vaporizers are permitted. Growers Supply of Dyersville, a division of FarmTek, has witnessed a recent boost in sales as more states have legalized the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Minnesota’s new Medical Cannabis Act, signed into law on May 29, 2014, narrows the kind medical cannabis permitted, as compared to many other state laws, but may offer considerable protections to applicants and employees in the workplace. The Act became .


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Medical study concludes marijuana use can double risk of strokes
Medical study concludes marijuana use can double risk of strokes

Medical Use of Cannabis|heretohelpp
Medical Use of Cannabis|heretohelpp

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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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